Saturday, August 29, 2009

Poetry Zone

Sweet Nothings

Sweet nothings
Those beautiful words that make me fall in love with you
Make me want to give to you
Forever and ever

Those sweet nothings
They mean everything to me
And I hold onto those words for dear life

You see
I thought I was an exception
I thought it couldn't happen to me because I'm smart
And no, even though you've never been in a relationship before
Even though you've never been truly deceived
Even though you lack experience
It won't happen to me, 'cause I'm too smart for that

Well God gave me a realtiy check
He said "You ain't no different than anyone else
Ain't any higher.
You are just as prone to fall
And until you keep your eyes on me you will always fall."

I thought I knew what I was doin'
I wouldn't fall for those empty words of "love"
Ya see 'cause me and him were best friends
Ride or die, together forever, I'll be there for you always
We would never fall, ever
But what I found out is, me and him were only "best friends"
And as I kept giving he kept taking
And you'd never think he was a damn selfish jerk at first glance
Sometimes I still question it
But deceit is not a conspicuous thing
It does not come announced
It creeps around corners and attacks you when your heart is opened

I remember
The "I loves yous"
The "You're beautifuls"
The "I here for you when you need mes"

But when it ended
Abruptly and for a reason true love would be able to withstand
I realized
That all of your lies
Were sweet nothings

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Beauty and Selfworth

God, I'm distraught.
My best friend is settling for the guy that I believe you have not set for her. She thinks that I'm overacting, but I just want her to be with someone who is worthy of her. A little while ago, I came to the full realization that my best friend has low self-esteem. It never really hit me. I mean, yeah she has her low days, but I never really thought of her as having low self-esteem. That's like, a forbidden word. And it hurts me a lot, 'cause she built me up so much. She's supposed to be the strong one. God, I think you're putting me through a trial as well. I can't do everything. No matter what I say, it's not helping. Maybe I said to much, maybe I was too harsh. Now she thinks that I'm disappointed in her. I'm not, I'm just...sad. I'm really sad for her. I would hate for her to regret her decision later in life (if they got married) and for her to wish that she had just waited on God. But man, waiting on You is worth it! God, show her! You will reward her for her faithfulness, teach her to be faithful. Speak to her God, really speak to her. I mean, maybe I am blowing things up. He's a Christian, but he's selfish and sarcastic, and that's cool and all, You're still working on him. But man, he's not for her! If she just trusts and waits You will give her the man of her dreams. Man God, I'm so hurt by the fact that she thinks she can't do better. She doesn't think she's all that pretty, that she doesn't fit the "male-attraction" quotient. Which is bull, 'cause she has a beautiful spirit and a gorgeous face. And she's got meat to her, but she's not obese, and so what if she was? She says that I'm like those American Idol families who tell their relatives that they can sing. I said, "I'm not lying to you." She says those people are not lying either, they truly believe that their relative can sing. That stung me; my point of view is subjective so it doesn't count. She's basing her beauty on male preference and that really pisses me off. And this sounds cliche, but beauty is really only skin deep:

The phrase refers to the outward beauty of a person. Of course, we must realise that a person can be beautiful on the inside. Such a person is often referred to as a 'lovely' person. However, when we refer to something beautiful we are usually referring to that something's outward appearance. What the phrase tries to emphasise is that the outward appearance of a person counts for nothing, but it is what lies beneath the skin, the actual person him/herself is what really matters. I believe the underlying message of this saying is completely true ('beauty_is_only_skin_deep'_mean).

My bf is beautiful just 'cause You made her and even more admirable because she chose to live her life serving You. God don't like ugly, so He didn't create it.

Ugh, God, I'm handing this over to You. I can do nothing. I'm leaving it all in Your hands. I know that you hear me.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Am Evil

God, there's something You're gonna have to do for me. You're gonna have to humble me. 'Cause I'm still a bit confused. Enlighten me. I think the part of me that's human, like, the worldly part, is rising in me. Making herself known. The part that's like "Who is God? It's all about Man." I think I'm reverting back to that mentality that says "It's all about me." I mean, that's not even the main issue. I think the revival of my rebellious spirit/thoughts is the yesterday's revelation at Bible Study that I'm inherently evil. Romans 3:10-18 says:

As it is written
There is no righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away,they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.
Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.

So, there is no good in me whatsoever. That's hard to believe. I mean, I know that humans think evil thoughts and do evil things, but does that mean we're evil by nature. Okay, I see how that is. You do evil things, you are an evil person. But, to group all of mankind under that umbrella? Like, I do not wish to slander or shed blood. I like peace and doing good. Like, I do bad things, but does that make me bad by nature? I thought that humans were inherently good but just not perfect. That we slip up. But it's quite difficult for me to accept that I am evil naturally. That is a strong adjective. Like, Satan status.

There were just so many questions that emerged after Bible Study. And so many weird feelings. Like, it's like Jesus is the white man that came to Africa to free us from our savagery. Almost like that. I mean, I what's so hard to accept is the fact that I am literally nothing without God. Nothing. Humans think they are the stuff, so when we hear that we are not in control/when we are called to relinquish it, it's like "No way." I don't know. I think I think I'm bigger than I am. But in a society that all about being the best that you can be, it's hard not to get gassed and feel like you've got control when you accomplish something. I dunno, it's all just so weird.

Going through this whole thought process, there's two sides of me. The side that loves God and wants to praise and worship Him, and the side that is confused and clings to worldly thought and logic. The latter part of me was explaining to my sister that the whole Christianity thing seems like a demotion. Like, a step down. I can't take care of myself or live for myself, so I have to give over my control to some being and bow down and worship this being. Then my sister says tho me that if I created myself, I could have chosen whomever I want to worship. But God is the one who created me. I didn't ask to be called into being, did not choose who my parents would be, my brothers, hair color, skin tone, the number of hairs on my head, none of it. It was all God. But then, I don't get why I am evil since God created me. My sis compared us to computers, how we create them, but they still get viruses. They have glitches. She that Satan represents the glitches in humans. But 1) Comps. are man-made and men are not perfect so the comps. are not perfect. 2) God is perfect, so shouldn't what He made be perfect? Maybe it's free-will. Like, God gave us free will so that there would be a chance for greater and deeper love. But He knew that that would come at a high price. That evil would be a side effect. Hmmmmm... I need to meditate on the Word. More to follow later.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

IMs w/ Ogo & Darren

Ogochukwu Bizzy-Bo..."What is love? Love is life, love is pain, love is everything, including rain. Love is hard, love is sweet, love is everything in your dreams"- {O-E}about an hour ago

wow, ur upset, broken, hurt, and angry......whos to blame?

No one's really to blame, today just really is not my day

But NJ is to blame too

ahh i c. well then be glad its almost ovr....wht he do?


Rode it for the first time in forever on Wednesday, it's Friday and he already broke it -_-

ahhh...that explains y he said hes never riding bikes again. lmao.

how long u had it?

It was Nicky then mines, but it's in good condition. It really hasn't been used that often

ahhh. i c. well then go brake nj.

Tch, I WISH I could do that

lol, if only

But I'm gonna be a good little Christian girl and I'm going to forgive him -___-

ahh so nice of u.....i kno i wouldnt...for a while at least

11:35pm (status)
Ogochukwu "What is love? Love is life, love is pain, love is everything, including rain. Love is hard, love is sweet, love is everything in your dreams"- {O-E}

Normally, I wouldn't either, but I'm just tired of being mad

hmmm....well that wouldnt work for me. ive worked so hard to not get mad for so long that when i do get mad, i stay mad for quite a while.

Other way around for me. I get mad too easily, like, really heated, and then it goes away after awhile.

noo....that used to be me...its taken me a good many years practice to learn patience and just let the little things go. otherwise, i would either be a bully, or be figting everyday.

You used to fight and/or bully people?

no....yes....when i was younger i always started fights/arguments cuzz of my temper. but i learned t ocontrol it...which is y i dont like getting angry, cuzz its like all the anger thats pent up inside gets released at once when i get angry

Yeah, I know what that's like. I got this anger bank and every time I get angry, more anger gets deposited. So when I get really pissed, the anger demon comes out.

yea, thats it in a nutshell...only mine is like 10x worse cuzz it hasnt been relaesed in so long (at least not fully) that im afraid of lettig it out, so it just keeps on piling.

thats y the gym was my home away from home for a while, i ould destress there...but havet been there in a while...planning on taking up martial arts to make up /replace that. get my ass kicked a bit, then kick ass alot.

lol! Kewlies. I'm taking some fighting classes too, gonna be a street fighter xD

But it's cool that you have control over your anger. Awed at how patient you were during that whole dog episode xD

lol. good luck. i just need something that takes my mind away from things while giving me somehing i can actually use in life at the same time.

omg u have no idea how much patience that took for me not to walk away within minutes of us stopping at the car wash..i mean we were there for almost an hr, so u can imagine.

laugh out loud!

Nicky says hi btw

nowadays, the best teltale signs that im mad are: i stop talking or responding to someone, i laugh at things that arent really funny just so i wont get mad, i just smile and agree with what someone says as a wau yo not get into an argument and get mad as a result.


I think my new thing is that I start singing. Most of the time I'll just leave or argue. Yeah, no patience here

And Nicky says "I'm fine I guess"

lol. yea.....singing wouldnt cut it for me, and alot of times, leaving isnt an option...especially at my job...damn those custmers test my patience just about everyday .

tell nikki i said, why is she guessing and that she should get facebook.

Yeah...couldn't work with people constantly like that, at least not at this stage of life.

And Nicky said she's considering getting a FB and she's good now

frowning @ "considering"

lolz, she'll get one

I'll make sure

ooo, leave a work spot open for Sept. 19th

its not the pople....i learned how to deal with them and how to deal with them already (shoot agter almost two years id better) the STUPID IDIOTIC CRAZY ANNOYING, customers thats the problem

Yeah, I mean thtem

meant* them

I'd rather shelve books

what day is that? and why.

mm books...idk, i h8 those customers almost as much as i h8 doing something thats so boring like shelving books...

It's fun! Putting things in order xD

And my bro is having a cookout for his business and people are allowed to bring friends

I'm giving you MAD notice

which bro is this?

ahh nvm i kno..its the one i met like nevertimes b4 lol

My older, 30-year-old bro.

mm i c. where is it being held?

lolz, well you can meet him the Sat, sept. 19 when you WON'T work with annoying customers xD

New Rochelle

Glen Island Park

ill put it in my phone and try to get the say off when i get to work tommorow..but u should remind me agin like 2 weeks or so b4 the day.


Yay! I get to see Ogo again before he ages like 30 more years! xD

lmao! i havent even aged 2 years

But it been a long time. It's like, stop by, say hi, then leave.

although ill be close since my birthday is like a week and a half after that.

You're gonna be...21?

lol. im a busy man.

and no ill bedouble duces


lol. thats a new eaction to being a year older lol


Lol, you're getttinngggg oooooooollllllllddddddddd

22? Yeah, it's def. been like forever

nah, not even close. when i h t my 30s then u can start calling me old...till then im just aging

lol no it hasnt. it hasnt even been a full year since i left

ugh, such dreaded words! aging and 30

Yeah, yeah

But this is how it goes

yes and ull be doing both aging and turning 30

Pssshhhh naaawwww

I am aaaageless

Talk to you soon Ogo, gonna go bikeriding in the morning

Damnit, nvm my bike in broken -______-

LMFAO!!! sorry i shouldt have laughed lol.

good night

Nighterz grandpa! :p


Darren Dawkins
hey u ok?

12:47amJanell's just not my day

Well, yesterday

o what happened?

Bunch of stuff

Missed stuff, stuuf didn't happen, didn't get to go to stuff

My brother broke the bike I JUST got fixed >0

Anyway, I'll be good, I'll just sing Jesus songs

o ok

i hope u feel better

Thanks D! :)

Didja get my voicemail?

voicemail ?

o my fone was off

Oh I see

what happened?

Can you come 2 the show 2morrow?

na i hafta go wit my dad 2morrow see if i can get my sweater im sorry

the school sweater

Ish okay. Have fun with your Dad :)

lol fun with my dad thats funny

have fun at the show sorry again that i cant make it

Don't worry about it. If you want, you can go Sunday, but that's up to you

o ok

so janell hows it been going lately

It's been cool and sad at the same time xD


How 'bout you man?

im gud chilling

Sweet, that's what you should be doing

You should come to band camp

We def. have guitarists there

o shit i forgot all about it


Come Monday, 9:30

D, gotta go, my Dad needs the comp
