Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Beauty and Selfworth

God, I'm distraught.
My best friend is settling for the guy that I believe you have not set for her. She thinks that I'm overacting, but I just want her to be with someone who is worthy of her. A little while ago, I came to the full realization that my best friend has low self-esteem. It never really hit me. I mean, yeah she has her low days, but I never really thought of her as having low self-esteem. That's like, a forbidden word. And it hurts me a lot, 'cause she built me up so much. She's supposed to be the strong one. God, I think you're putting me through a trial as well. I can't do everything. No matter what I say, it's not helping. Maybe I said to much, maybe I was too harsh. Now she thinks that I'm disappointed in her. I'm not, I'm just...sad. I'm really sad for her. I would hate for her to regret her decision later in life (if they got married) and for her to wish that she had just waited on God. But man, waiting on You is worth it! God, show her! You will reward her for her faithfulness, teach her to be faithful. Speak to her God, really speak to her. I mean, maybe I am blowing things up. He's a Christian, but he's selfish and sarcastic, and that's cool and all, You're still working on him. But man, he's not for her! If she just trusts and waits You will give her the man of her dreams. Man God, I'm so hurt by the fact that she thinks she can't do better. She doesn't think she's all that pretty, that she doesn't fit the "male-attraction" quotient. Which is bull, 'cause she has a beautiful spirit and a gorgeous face. And she's got meat to her, but she's not obese, and so what if she was? She says that I'm like those American Idol families who tell their relatives that they can sing. I said, "I'm not lying to you." She says those people are not lying either, they truly believe that their relative can sing. That stung me; my point of view is subjective so it doesn't count. She's basing her beauty on male preference and that really pisses me off. And this sounds cliche, but beauty is really only skin deep:

The phrase refers to the outward beauty of a person. Of course, we must realise that a person can be beautiful on the inside. Such a person is often referred to as a 'lovely' person. However, when we refer to something beautiful we are usually referring to that something's outward appearance. What the phrase tries to emphasise is that the outward appearance of a person counts for nothing, but it is what lies beneath the skin, the actual person him/herself is what really matters. I believe the underlying message of this saying is completely true (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_'beauty_is_only_skin_deep'_mean).

My bf is beautiful just 'cause You made her and even more admirable because she chose to live her life serving You. God don't like ugly, so He didn't create it.

Ugh, God, I'm handing this over to You. I can do nothing. I'm leaving it all in Your hands. I know that you hear me.


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