I am not defined by my lack of.
I am not defined by other's perceptions of me.
I am not defined by how I think others perceive me.
I am not defined by how much I mean to someone.
I am not defined by that facial expression flashed my way when I do something he or she disagrees with.
I am not defined by what I haven't done.
I am not defined by my successes.
I am not defined by what I am able to do.
I am not defined by whether or not a guy will like me.
I am not defined by how well I can answer a question in class.
I am not defined by how impressed people are about my intelligence.
I am not defined by how impressed people are by my level of maturity in my walk with God.
I am not defined by how well/whether or not I can relate to people.
I am not defined by how many pop culture references I know.
I am not defined by how many friends I have on Facebook.
I am not defined by how well I can harmonize.
I am not defined by the person I am at home.
I am not defined by the person I am outside.
I am not defined by my natural hair.
I am not defined by my big eyes.
I am not defined by my black skin.
I am not defined by my neediness.
I am not defined by my past examples of my lack of trust in God.
I am not defined by the fact that I don't see myself the way God sees me.
I am not defined by the fact that I don't see my life the way God sees it.
I am not defined by the fact that I have trouble recognizing the gifts that God has given me.
I am not defined by the fact that I am in real need of material help in this college dorm.
These things do not define me.
No Janell. Don't listen to the lies.
Don't listen to the lies.
Don't listen to the lies. Jesus loves you so much.
And He died,
So that you could be defined
By what He did for you.
He died,
So that your identity
Would be in Him alone.
Jesus the Christ.
Jesus the Messiah, the Risen Son of God.
Your worth
Is not based on things that fluctuate
Pass away
Are surface.
Your worth goes far, FAR deeper. Janell, deeply loved you are. Deeply valued, you are. Your value is not determined by whether or not someone responds to your text message.
I am defined by You Lord!!!!!! YOU give me my identity.
I pray for satisfaction in You.
I pray for satisfaction in who I am in You.
I pray for a constant awareness of Your high, long, deep, wide love (Ephesians 3:18).
I pray that I would love You back Lord.
I pray that You would be everything to me Jesus.
Please Lord. Be everything to me.
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