Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Boy troubles... what's new?

So, I did all my homework from like, 12-2:30 this morning so that I could spend more time with God in the Chapel 2nd period, but I forgot that confession is going on all this week! So, I'm going to blog instead.

Jesus, I spoke to You yesterday and it felt so good being able to empty myself to you. I haven't done that in weeks! And talking to You and expressing myself to You most definitely makes a difference. I thank You for the privilege. Anyway, although I spoke to You about this same issue yesterday, I've got to go to You about it again today God, because I am so weak -_-.

I can't stop liking this guy! >.<

And it's annoying the heck out of me! I wish I could just stop liking guys. Or at least stop liking guys who are temporarily or permanently* off the market. It's just a pain! But it's also the thorn in my side that is causing me to remain ever-dependent on You. In this stage of my life anyway. And you know, though a thorn is a thorn, I very well could have a whole porcupine stuck in my side. (lol! Christian analogies are the best xD). Like, it's better that I have this issue than a worse one. This is still hard, but it could very well be worse. But this is still hard.

And you know, the other day, You revealed the Godly way of looking at it. There are people in other countries who would love to think about a person they like or who would love to pursue someone. But they can't because they have to worry about what they'll have to eat, a disease they have or might easily catch, or if they'll even live to see tomorrow. They'd much rather have my issues. I am truly blessed.

So God, help me to hold on to You! And take courage in and strength from You! And I guarantee I'm gonna come back to You tomorrow crying about the same thing. But I thank You that You are there to listen whenever I need You. WHENEVER I need You! You are absolutely amazing. And people say You do not exist because You cannot be seen or because you cannot be proved by science or that Man is cool beans, not God. But how much greater is it to have an invisible God who is there 25/8, whenever you need a friend, whenever you need help, guaranteed, even when you wake up from a nightmare, than a physical, visible, tangible God who would only be available some of the time? Whose attention would be divided among the 6 billion people in this world? With God, we don't have to wait on line, or sign our names on a waiting list. He is available all day, everyday, for the rest of our lives...HALLELUJAH! Praise God! A-men! Thank You God that I am a Christian.

*permanently off the market means a guy is either:
Dating a friend
Has dated a friend

Much love everybody!
~ Nelly Asakura

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