Saturday, March 20, 2010

LOL! I am Hillarious! xD

So I just HAD to do another post. I was just skimming the "S'more Boy Talk" post and I am hilarious! D. is so not my type. He's cool and all, but I find him quite annoying and clingy. And he's a thinker. And that's good, you know, to explore different philosophies and stuff. But you have to grounded in something. Like, I speculate with philosophies to relate to someone or just to explore different ideas. But, that philosophy is not the master/director of my life. God is. And I have to stay grounded in Him. Or else my whole life will be directed by "philosophies." There is no way to fully explain the depth and complexity of life, so all you can do is hand your life over to the person who created it. Bam.

And when I say philosophy, I mean a man-made theory about life, it's meaning, and the other things we experience in life (love, hope, people, etc.). And there is some validity in some philosophies, but the people I've met take things to another level. Man's mind is too limited to sum up the world. Lean on the understanding of the Person who made the world.

Yeah, so D. is not my kind of guy. And I haven't met anyone who has been. Not yet. Maybe college. Maybe not. But God KNOWS what He's doing and I won't settle for less than what God has for me. 'Cause I am a Queen who is looking -pause- waiting, for a King. And when he does come, man, it will be great. But right now, my desire is God and God alone. Lord, help me to desire You and You alone. A-men.

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