Saturday, July 31, 2010

So, the whole Life-In-A-Day thing failed. God didn't want me to put them up. So they got deleted -_- Sadness, but such is life (I say that now because I am over it). I was so tight though! And I lost more stuff today because this stupid comp. shut down on me! Argh, public computers. But at least I have one.
The videos were basically asking the fam and myself what do me love, what makes us laugh, what do we fear, and what's in our pockets. lol, they were cool vids. Then the vids. I was trying to upload today before the comp. shut down were dealing with the preparing of the chicken for the boys chicken fund raising event (and other things like dissing how boyish I looked and playing the cool Charlie Brown Christmas piano song). Later that same day (this was on Thursday), I recorded a video about NJ losing my phone. The ending of it was funny. Aah sigh, I just know not to rely on comps. that delete memory every time they shut down -__-. Anyway...

God blessed me today. Like really blessed me today. I don't even know where to begin. But He spoke to me through Cynthia today. And it was really great. Get ready. Because God is showing me more of Him and is revolutionizing my life and walk with Him. Pray that I become stronger in the Lord. HALLELUJAH! Thank You GOD for who YOU are! I love you Lord! That is all I can say. Praise Your Name and I THANK You for Your Love.



Saturday, July 24, 2010

Again, I must say, this Life-In-A-Day project is so cool! xD

One month later...

Geez, I need to get on my blogging game! So anyway, lots of shtuff has happened, there was SSS this summer (absolutely amazing) and right now I'm taking online courses (not so amazing) but I just signed on to this blog to talk about what today is:


This dude named Kevin MacDonald is going to make a film that documents (aka documentary xD) what it was like to live on July 24, 2010. He said it would have social value and be a little time capsule. That is the coolest thing. So for some reason, the idea for a bucket list popped into my head the past day or two. Some of the things that were on my mental list:

Cut my hair straight bald.
Get locks (I might do that first actually).
Create a time capsule with friends and fam (and soon!).

That time capsule idea has laid dormant in my mind for a while. A year or two ago, I saw an ep. of Zoey 101 and they made a time capsule which they buried beneath the ground to be pulled up 20 years later. That is pretty cool! And this whole Life-In-A-Day idea is pretty awesome too. I wanna do something. I don't even care if it makes it into the documentary (that would be cool though). I just want to participate. And the vid. or vids. we do today and the ones we have been doing can be a part of that! How AWESOME would that be? Uber excited!

kk, tata, I must blog soon!

Nelly <3